TWIN FLAMES, from the wisdom of the Akashic Records

TWIN FLAMES, from the wisdom of the Akashic Records

Q: What are Twin Flames, and what do we need to know about this right now?

A: My beloved soul, Twin Flames are the divine sparkle in you as ONENESS and as part of the ONENESS. There is still a lot of confusion about this topic, and that is because nowadays it is still difficult to detach from the idea of tridimensional love which is seen not as a total expansion of the soul but more as a romantic relationship with another incarnated soul. If you think well about it, there is no one single Twin Flame whom you are ONE with and that you identify with a specific incarnated soul because, in truth, this is the limiting product of the rational mind that cannot fully understand the greatness of the universal plans that will unfold according to their modalities and timing.
Basically, a Twin Flame is the soul as ONE and ONENESS. Romantic love for another soul, that is an incarnated individual, is a human experience and there is nothing wrong with it. At all. It is necessary to the soul expansion and progress. However, it is still a limiting concept compared to the Twin Flame and to the soul as ONE and ONENESS. It is true that this type of relationship/love is important to the development of the soul and to allow the heart opening as well as to see the reflection of your own image in another individual. However, there will be no more distinctions in the future. The more the love will expand and spread, the more the soul will detach from the limiting ego and from the vision of separation, because, in truth, separation is just an illusion, my beloved soul. When the soul will learn to understand this, and will learn to perceive this, the need to categorize and to make distinctions will be no more. In few words, Twin Flame is the LOVE which is ONENESS and the ONENESS which is LOVE. For now, this is all you need to know. There is still a long road ahead, but do not stop, my beloved soul. Keep searching, exploring, and asking. We are here to support you and whisper the answers you seek.

(Channelling, November 22nd 2017, Alessandra Esposito)

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